I made these yummy cookies today. I can not remember which blog where I found this recipe. I hate that, I have to write everything down! If you read this blog, please contact me so I can give you the credit. It is a very simple recipe, my kind. A box of spice cake mix, a 16 oz. can of pumpkin and a cup of choc. chips! Drop by spoonfulls on cookie sheet...bake 350 deg. for 10-12 min. FYI, I baked mine close to 15 min. before they were done. This is a cake-like cookie, not crisp, but very tasty!

Last night at quilt guild it was our month to give a gifty to our secret sister. I was SO excited when I saw what was in my bag.....the makings of a cute Christmas hanging....I just love it! The pattern, fabric to trace the design onto and a charm pack to do the front! I may even sew charms together to make the backing.
She even included the floss that I will need to stitch snowman.

Pardon the glare, but I wanted to show you a close-up of the cuteness!

Going to get this traced tomorrow!