Sunday, May 31, 2009
This is my latest finish.....a prototype of the 3 dresses I will make for 3 granddaughters (9, 7 and 6 years) for our beach vacation the end of June. I wanted to make sure about the size before I cut into the white material that I have. The pattern is like a "pillowcase" dress that I have seen but is super simple thanks to Sue who was gracious enough to share her directions after I spotted them on her blog. The beach ones will be white with khaki ribbons and possibly some eyelet trim around the hem. There will be 17 of us and I have instructed the family that I want them in khaki shorts/capris/skirt and a white top....any kind of white top. I only have 3 granddaughters out of the 9, and they will be in the dresses. I hope it works like I think it will....keeping everyone focused so that we can get a good shot??? Maybe after I have a Margarita or 2!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Finished Blocks
Monday, May 25, 2009
A little of this...a little of that.
Wanted to share a few photos from my birthday celebration....a day of work for everyone that loves is hubby, sons-in-law, and oldest daughter helping pull out (with a large chain and the 4 wheel drive pickup) 2 bushes that started out very small about 15 years ago. What a job...bless them.
Here are 6 of the 9 grandkids....what helpers they were also. It was fun for them, especially riding in the big wagon that attaches to the garden tractor.
We have a trailer up by Lake Erie that we can go to between April and October. Hubby and I went up there for a couple of days, came home to mow, have appts., and do laundry. Then went back up on Saturday and returned today. It is so nice to get away, but equally nice to come back home. Here is a gorgeous sunset out on the dock the first night we were there.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Getting Old
OMGosh....was just going to change my age (after Tuesday's birthday) and my profile age had changed automatically for, technology is something, eh???
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sewing and Sweeties
I finished May from Ellie's BOM and it is hanging....if only for part of the month. It's my birthday month, so had to get this one finished and up.
This is a girl's quilt-to-be cut and ready to start sewing. I'm not sure about the colors...I am bad at picking out what should go with what. I have seen so many stunning and cute quilts that had fabrics in them that you never would have thought could go together, so I am venturing out a little. I knew I wanted it colorful....that it will be!
My third level of projects is something that I thought was the cutest thing I had ever the time....I still love the idea and need to cut this and put it together. It is small so it shouldn't take too long. I LOVE these fabrics....Simplicity by Moda....the colors and the softness....yummo!!
Yesterday Grandpa and I went to watch our granddaughter, Hannah, perform in her first grade talent show. This first grade teacher does this every year for her is her tradition. The kids were so cute. They did cheerleading, jumproping, teaching us a sport, magic, reading a book, and Hannah's singing. I don't remember the song was short and cute. I give her a lot of credit for doing this by herself.....a cappela I might add! This is her sister Samantha, in kindergarten, posing for Grandma's camera. They got to come and watch.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lovely Day
This afternoon I was working in the flower beds...pulling weeds (never ending) and adding some new mulch. It was a lot of work for hubby and with a bad back and him with shingles. We made it though and I got some pictures of the lovely nature that is in our yard. I wish I knew the name of this flower...I can't even remember when I planted it....had to pull out some of the Lillys of the Valley, they were taking over.
I was sitting on a little stool to help the back and give me a break and I was near the cherry tree with the hummingbird feeder right there. I got up and got my camera and got these shots. Although before I went in for my camera there had been 2 together on the feeder...when I brought out the camera, of course they made themselves scarce!

This nest, I assume robins, had fallen out of a large pine tree in the yard after last weekends mega wind. It was starting to come apart after the rain this week, so is now part of the trash. The underside was a series of plastic mesh woven in and out....just wonder where they got that and it amazes me to see the construction of bird's nests!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
He likes it...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Treat in the Mail
Look what I got in the mail today. I opened my mailbox and this big envelope was stuffed into it. I couldn't remember ordering anything recently and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the return address.
Thank you so much, Terry. My first PIF received. I love the little quilt a lot!! Pink and green are some of my favorite colors. Also thank you for the sweet card, gift tag, floss and buttons. Everything is adorable and I love getting goodies.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Finally a finish...
Well, I finally have a finish. First, though, I'd like to share some more of the lovely Spring nature from my yard. This first photo is an apple tree loaded with blossoms. They smell so good also, and the bees LOVE them. Hopefully we can keep up with spraying and have a load of apples to share in the fall.
This next photo is a cherry tree with gorgeous blossoms. This tree started out as a Weeping Cherry that I was so excited to get. I don't think we planted it too deep, but it started sprouting other branches that weren't "weeping". We just let it go, and now it is a nice size tree that I am glad we have because it adds shade to our front living room window. Much appreciated in the heat of summer. We do get cherries from this tree also....yellow ones.
I had to add this photo I took yesterday while visiting our local quilt shop. This dog was sitting so funny behind the steering wheel waiting for his master. It really looked funnier then this photo shows, but I couldn't resist sharing.
These are one of my favorite flowers....Lily of the Valley. Maybe because it is my birthday month flower. I wish they bloomed all summer. I have even cut a little bouquet of them and brought them into the house because they are so fragrant. They really mulitple fast. Really fast!
And finally my finish. A more experienced quilter would have finished this in one weekend (or sooner). I did procrastinate quite a bit, but our grandson, Oliver is 1 1/2 and he now has his "baby" quilt done. Only 8 more grandkid quilts to go. Maybe by the end of the year?? I do get inspiration from all of you fellow quilters.....thank will help me be more already has.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tagged by Connie
I was tagged today by Connie to do a meme of 7 random things about me that you might not know. I just realized I hadn't posted in one week. I think it is because I haven't done any stitching lately nor finished my baby quilt. The weather was really nice around here and I have been helping with the mowing and such since hubby is really in a lot of pain with his shingles. It is 3 weeks now and no relief yet. Thank goodness for Vicodin.
Here are the interesting ?? things about me.
1. I was and am an LPN. I haven't practiced as one for quite a long time but did work in dental and medical offices until I "retired". Once a nurse, always a nurse. I love the medical profession and still remember so much....
2. I LOVE Italian food. I probably could eat some sort of this everyday. I don't have a speck of Italian in me, but love their food. Especially tomato based anything.....
3. I hated sewing until I was in my late 20's. That is when I took a Stretch n Sew classs and I loved it. Our 3 kids had matching t-shirts for quite a while during those years. My mom hated sewing and I didn't have anyone to guide me. I hated it in Home Ec. My grandma crocheted, but with the thread for doilies and I was 10 when she passed away, so needless to say I never learned that...until I was older and used yarn and loved it.
4. Last year, 2008, was our 40th wedding anniv. and I stitched a crazy patch pillow with machine embroidery celebrating the date. I found rice in the bodice of my wedding gown from 40 years ago and incorporated those 3 grains into a pocket on the pillow.
5. I hate coffee, unless it is White Chocolate Latte, decaf with lowfat milk from Starbucks. LOL
6. I have never traveled out of the continental USA (except Canada). I would love to see Hawaii, but that is about it. There is too much in the other states I haven't seen yet and would love to.
7. In this day of moving a lot and having to relocate, we have lived in our house for 31 years.
I'm not going to tag any particular person, but please join in and let me know a little more about you. No pressure, just fun.
Here are the interesting ?? things about me.
1. I was and am an LPN. I haven't practiced as one for quite a long time but did work in dental and medical offices until I "retired". Once a nurse, always a nurse. I love the medical profession and still remember so much....
2. I LOVE Italian food. I probably could eat some sort of this everyday. I don't have a speck of Italian in me, but love their food. Especially tomato based anything.....
3. I hated sewing until I was in my late 20's. That is when I took a Stretch n Sew classs and I loved it. Our 3 kids had matching t-shirts for quite a while during those years. My mom hated sewing and I didn't have anyone to guide me. I hated it in Home Ec. My grandma crocheted, but with the thread for doilies and I was 10 when she passed away, so needless to say I never learned that...until I was older and used yarn and loved it.
4. Last year, 2008, was our 40th wedding anniv. and I stitched a crazy patch pillow with machine embroidery celebrating the date. I found rice in the bodice of my wedding gown from 40 years ago and incorporated those 3 grains into a pocket on the pillow.
5. I hate coffee, unless it is White Chocolate Latte, decaf with lowfat milk from Starbucks. LOL
6. I have never traveled out of the continental USA (except Canada). I would love to see Hawaii, but that is about it. There is too much in the other states I haven't seen yet and would love to.
7. In this day of moving a lot and having to relocate, we have lived in our house for 31 years.
I'm not going to tag any particular person, but please join in and let me know a little more about you. No pressure, just fun.
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